Home Design & Planning SAP Reports/ EPCs Projects    
    Martin Richards Design        
    SAP2009 Reports/ EPCs

• SAP2009 Reports
• On-Construction Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
• SAP2009 calculations for extensions
• U-Value calculations
• Part L compliance

It is a requirement under the Building Regulations for all new dwellings to have a SAP2009 report prior to commencement and an Energy Performance Certificate on completion.

We are fully accredited to produce these documents at a very competitive rate, please call or email for further information.

SAP2009 can also be used to gain Building Regulation compliance on extensions to dwellings where other methods may not prove viable. Please call or email if this service is of interest.

In addition to these services, we can provide advice on all aspects of compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. Our close working relationship with Building Control ensure that our information is up to date and can help with achieving Building Reg. approval.






t: 01209 831687; e: mail@martinrichardsdesign.co.uk

Martin Richards Design, Trethannas Farmhouse, Praze, Camborne, Cornwall, TR14 0LH


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